This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (2024)

Myrtle, with its captivating aroma and rich history, holds aspecial place in the hearts of those touched by its magic. From the ancientgroves of Persia to the bustling markets of Greece, its presence has been feltand cherished for centuries. Myrtle, a plant deemed holy by Aphrodite, thegoddess of love, has a great deal of significance in many ancient cultures. Asit journeyed through time, every part of the Myrtle plant found purpose,whether it was freshening breath in Ancient Greek culture or infusing Italiancuisine with its aromatic essence.

Wrapped in myth and legend, Myrtle's allure as a symbol oflove and protection resonates deeply within us, reflecting our own quest forbeauty and grace.* In the quiet corners of traditional healing practices andthe bustling innovation of modern industries, Myrtle continues to enchant andinspire, offering its timeless gifts to those who seek its embrace.

The benefits of Myrtle do not stop at the spiritual,however, as each variety helps to aid symptoms of various health concerns. Forthose with respiratory issues Myrtle, bothGreen andRed,may be a saving grace as it allows you to breathe easier with its helpfultouch.* Dealing with thyroid issues? Whether hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism,Myrtle is there to help with itsGreen andRed varieties,as they each tackle one of these types of thyroid issues.* Myrtle Oil has agentle touch, with it being non-toxic, non-irritating, non-sensitizing, and withan unobtrusive odor, this oil is well tolerated by kids, but please do a skintest to confirm beforehand!*

What isMyrtle?

“An energetic truthand forgiveness, giving support to the unsupported and teaching us that divinelove embraces all living things.” - Fisher-Rizzi

Myrtle, cherished for its beauty and fragrant leaves, is astaple of Mediterranean flora. A bushy shrub between 3-7 m with dark leaves,starry white or pink flowers, and blue-black berries, the plant yields bothGreen andRed Myrtle Essential Oil, its properties varyingby region. Both originate from Myrtus communis, butRed Myrtlecomes from northern Africa,whileGreen Myrtleis from southern andeastern Europe. Myrtle boasts a rich history across time, symbolizing love, andpeace in ancient cultures. Its flowers and leaves were, in the 16thcentury, used as major ingredients in the lotion known as “angels’ water”.

Legends tie Myrtle to themes of love and immortality, whileits modern applications include essential oils known for their antimicrobialproperties. Its medicinal uses range from countering infections to managing thyroidconditions.* Additionally, Myrtle's berries are used in Mirto liqueur, addingto its culinary allure. The oil is produced in Tunisia, France, Corsica, Spain,Morocco, and Italy, but is not to be confused with the Wax Myrtle, Myricacerifera, or Bog Myrtle, Myrica gale, whose essential oils aretoxic.

What are thedifferences between Green Myrtle and Red Mrytle?

Myrtle, in its mystical and magical self, comes in twocommon varieties:Red Myrtle andGreen Myrtle. While thetwo are very similar, their essential oils are created from the shrubs ofdifferent areas where Mrytle grows.Green Myrtle is found in the Northern Mediterranean Sea andeastern Europe whereasRed Myrtle isfound within the Southern Mediterranean Sea in the warm and semi-arid climateof northern Africa.Red Myrtle also has aslightly spicier aroma than that ofGreen Myrtle with its fresher, sweeter scent.

  • Green Myrtle, a soothing balm from the NorthernMediterranean Sea and eastern Europe, packed with a myriad of healing powers.Picture yourself winding down after a long day, feeling the tension melt awayas you breathe in its calming aroma.* Its anti-inflammatory prowess providesrelief from aches and pains, while its memory-boosting qualities sharpen yourfocus.* Also, when it comes to respiratory health,Green Myrtle stands as a stalwart defender,combating bacteria and viruses with every inhale.* Unlike its sibling,Red Myrtle, it boasts a secret weapon: α-pinene,a compound celebrated for its antimicrobial and antibiotic effects.* But that'snot all — this green wonder isn't just for your mind; it's a gentle yet potentelixir for your skin, offering rejuvenation, tightening, and relief fromallergies.* And for those battling hyperthyroidism,Green Myrtle holds promise as a supportiveally.*
This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (1) This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (2)
  • Red Myrtle,a Mediterranean marvel cherished for its triple-action capabilities. Envisionsun-kissed shores where it thrives, embraced by the warm, semi-arid climates ofnorthern Africa. Its essence embodies a trifecta of goodness:anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-microbial powers.* Delve deeper, andyou'll discover its star compound: oxide 1.8 cineole, this compound is celebratedin clinical circles for its therapeutic prowess.* From easing colds toalleviating COPD, asthma, and bronchitis,Red Myrtle shines brightly.* Yet, its benefits extend beyond respiratory ailments; it's aversatile ally against hemorrhoids and infections, a gentle balancer of hormonelevels, and a supportive aid for hypothyroidism.*

Hopefully now youunderstand the different Myrtles, let’s look into how to use them.

Each Myrtle has different capabilities to them, and separatearomas.Green Myrtle has a slightly sweeter and fresher scent than that ofRed Myrtle, which has a slightly spicier smell,but both Myrtles are herbaceous and camphor-like. With this is mind, blendingthese two smells with different essential oils can produce wonderful anddifferent effects and it’s encouraged to find a blend that best suits you!*Follow the directions below to safely use both Myrtles.

Green Myrtle Directions

    • TargetedTopical Application: When considering the use ofGreen Myrtle for targeted topicalapplication, it's essential to craft a blend that suits individual needs. Arecommended approach involves creating a dilution blend of up to 1-3% in anypreferred carrier oil, typically around 5-15 drops per tablespoon of carrieroil. However, caution should be exercised not to exceed 10 drops perapplication per day, focusing application on specific areas requiringattention.
      • Thisbotanical extract boasts a range of benefits across various bodily systems. Forinstance, within the nervous system, it exhibits a talent for calming arestless mind and soothing frayed nerves.*Green Myrtle extends support to the urinarysystem by promoting healthy function and acting as a deterrent against urinaryinfections.* Within the endocrine system,Green Myrtle aids in maintainingequilibrium, particularly beneficial for those dealing with an overactivethyroid.*
    • Whole Body Massage Application: Combining theserenity of a full-body massage withGreen Myrtle diluted 1-2% in any carrier oil(equivalent to 5-10 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil), can offer amultifaceted approach to wellness that highlights and enhances the benefits ofbothGreen Myrtle and the massage itself.* Aiding both the mind and body,Green Myrtle is thereto swathe you in its gentle and healing aroma.*
      • Green Myrtle and itshealing touch is not limited to just the skin; it extends to the mind as well,offering solace to an overactive mind and nurturing a sense of tranquility.*Its gentle yet effective properties soothe both body and soul, enveloping youin a comforting embrace of serenity, fostering a state of calm amidst life'shustle and bustle.*
    • Diffusion / Inhalation Application: Diffusingor inhalation is a highly effective way of gaining the respiratory benefits ofGreen Myrtle directly anytime you may need them.* Just add a few drops to your nebulizer or nasalinhaler and breathe easy.
      • Within the respiratory system,Green Myrtle serves asa multifaceted healer, offering relief for a range of respiratory conditionssuch as bronchitis and asthma.* Its therapeutic properties work to alleviatesymptoms associated with these ailments, providing much-needed comfort to thoseaffected.* By gently easing congestion and promoting clearer breathing, it actsas a soothing balm for the respiratory system, restoring ease and vitality tothose who rely on its healing touch.*

          Red Myrtle Directions

            • Targeted Topical Application:When lettingRed Myrtle work itsmagic on your skin be sure to dilute up to 2-4% in any carrier oil (10-20 dropsper tablespoon of carrier oil) for the holistic energy ofRed Myrtle toaid you in your journey to wellness.* Applya small portion of this blend, do not exceed 10 drops per application per day.*
              • Youcan also add up to 2% to unscented cleanser, lotion, cream, or skin careproduct for use on the face.* This will allow for a more targeted application,delivering the botanical goodness ofRed Myrtle preciselywhere it's needed most, contributing to a radiant and revitalized complexion.*
              • ImagineRed Myrtle as a reliable ally in your battle against hemorrhoid symptoms.* With itssoothing and healing properties, it provides a gentle touch that easesdiscomfort and promotes healing, offering much-needed relief during challengingtimes.*When it comesto body care,Red Myrtle emerges as aversatile solution for common concerns like acne, oily skin, and enlargedpores.* WithRed Myrtle by yourside, you can face each day with confidence, knowing you have a trustedcompanion in your journey toward healthy, radiant skin.*
            • Whole Body Massage Application:Want something that can melt your stress away and smell great while doing it? BydilutingRed Myrtle up to 1-2%in any carrier oil (around 5-10 drops per tablespoon), you can indulge in aluxurious whole-body massage that not only promotes tranquility but also workswonders for your skin.* It's the perfect combination of relaxation and body careindulgence all in one.*
              • Withjust a few drops ofRed Myrtle in anycarrier oil, you can create your own little oasis of calm.* Not only does itmelt away your stress, but it also leaves your skin feeling refreshed andrejuvenated.* Let yourself be pampered by the gentle touch of caring handswhile basking in the healing embrace ofRed Myrtle and itstherapeutic aroma.*
            • AromaticBath Application:Immersing yourself in an aromaticbath infused withRed Myrtle diluted inbath salts or milk or similar offers a multitude of benefits that extend farbeyond mere relaxation.* As the warm water envelops you, carrying the delicate aromaofRed Myrtle,a sense of harmony washes over your spirit, bringing a profound sense of peaceand tranquility.* Amidst the chaos of daily life, this aromatic sanctuary actsas a refuge, gently soothing frayed nerves and restoring equilibrium to themind and body.*
              • Forthose plagued by restless nights, an aromatic bath infused withRed Myrtle offersrespite from the clutches of insomnia.* Its subtle yet potent sedative effectslull the mind into a state of relaxation, paving the way for restful sleep.* Asyou surrender to the embrace of the warm water, surrounded by the soothingscent ofRed Myrtle, sleep comeseffortlessly, and the night unfolds with peaceful slumber.*
            • Diffusion/ Inhalation Application: Want the effects ofRed Myrtle but don’t have the time for a topical application? Just add a few drops to anebulizer or nasal inhaler and enjoy whenever you may need it.* No matter ifyou're navigating a chaotic workday, enduring a stressful commute, or seekingsolace in a quiet moment at home, allow the comforting scent ofRed Myrtle to wrap around you like a soothing embrace.* Embrace the opportunity for abrief escape, finding sanctuary and renewal amidst life's bustling pace.*
              • Offeringa gentle touch,Red Myrtle battleschronic cough and other catarrhal conditions like the common cold, bronchitisand it can sooth the symptoms of COPD.* By addressing these respiratory issues,Red Myrtle empowersyou to breathe freely, relieving discomfort and promoting overall respiratorywellness.* WithRed Myrtle by yourside, you can embrace each day with renewed vitality and confidence, knowingthat you have a trusted companion in your journey toward optimal health andwell-being.*

                      Safety Precautionswith both Myrtles

                      • Green Myrtle andRed Myrtle arenon-toxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing.* If either oil is oxidized itmay cause irritation and/or oxidation.* Both oils are too strong to use withbabies or children under 5 years old.* Dr. Streicher advises you use caution onchildren between 5-10 years old, and more care must be taken when using eitheroil with asthmatics.*

                      Myrtle: What goeswith it?

                      Need a gentle walk in the garden, but don’t want to leaveyour house? Try blendingGreen Myrtle withRosemary andHyssop to walk through yourown personal garden!* Enjoy the feeling of renewal and spring with a magicalblend ofBay Laurel,Lavender, andGreen Myrtle; this blend’s aroma canteleport you to a field of flowers.*

                      Get lost in the aroma of nature by entering the deep,lushness of the forest with a blend ofRed Myrtle,Angelica Root, andLavender.* Looking for a deep, rich scent toground you closer to the earth, try addingLavender,Red Myrtle, andBlack Pepper to feel the glowand warmth of a sunset on you.*

                      Here are some DIYrecipes for you to try with GreenMyrtle and Red Myrtle:

                      This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (5) This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (6)
                      This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (7) This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (8)

                      Final thoughtsfrom Dr. Streicher and Amrita’s experts

                      Myrtle, steeped in ancient lore and revered for its aromaticessence, symbolizes love and protection across cultures. Originating from theMediterranean, it yieldsGreen andRed Myrtle Essential Oils, each withdistinct properties.Green Myrtle, found in northern regions, offers anti-inflammatory andmemory-boosting benefits, aids respiratory health, and rejuvenates the skin.*Meanwhile,Red Myrtle from northernAfrica boasts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial powers,addressing respiratory issues, hormonal imbalances, and supportinghypothyroidism.* Both varieties contribute to the spiritual and physicalwell-being of those who embrace their mystical allure, making Myrtle acherished and versatile botanical treasure that you’ll want to have in youraromatherapeutic routine!*

                      *These statements have not been evaluated bythe Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose,treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

                      This or That: Does the color of Myrtle really matter? (2024)


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