Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Wednesday Evening July 4 1928 LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER Du CHICK EVANS ON Wet Lafayette and Purdue HAZELO EN LINKS Insulation Study Bulletin Theme Visit Our Shop court under $500 and (UUWMOS Mrs Brother He presented a copy of his A new trial was granted In the ilia Walla 'Xfamnrla'l rf rharUq TvfYns Inst Wil 45 3 for $4 ormer Values Up to $295 Mrs were Mof returned home MONROE past and Glen Loeb Hene Co Dovefv visit hucus! Where Thrifty olks Do Their Shopping CARROLL MANSIELD by federal Advance on Corinth ssee Mrs Isaac Whitaker rs his his her re his they acx Mrs Mrs I with red Or vlS SAVANNAH Smith Merle Dick law Wanda and Co over A A Stahl of Sunday 'here with of came Sunday for a two visit with their grand er and Mrs Wea 'Anderson with Mr and and mother Sunday Walsworth last week will spend MEN! Here Is the Opportunity You Have Been Waiting for Take Advantage of It! RANT SENT IVE DIVISIONS TO PITTSBURG LANDING BUT MAKING THE MISTAKE A7 TE'AJX ING THE CONEDERATES COULD NOT THZ OENSIVE NEGLECTED TO INTRENCH HE CARELESSLY KEPT HIS HEADQUARTERS £iT SAVANNAH EIGHT MILES BELOW THE LANAEG THE BATTSE a half feet long will contest church for public WatchfffrirthaAjjnouiCHneiiti regarding anepentofyeat" INTEREST ''WOMEN non ffSrAUCf NtoM COfttUTH rtTTJBUfiq NtUfifU 23 PLAIN AND ANCY BROADCLOTHS RENCH PRINTS WOVEN MADRASSES and many other desirable fabrics cogimth Miss Mrs John Hayes and Mr Mrs Martindale A Hedworth of Remington a business visitor In the city Mrs Howard far nnrl fa mil Sunday here with Mrs Daugherty of Chicago motored ease or unaries Jjyons against wil liam Derringer upon a motion filed by I vengood and Livengood attorneys for the defendant The Security inance "company has filed a suit for the payment of an account against Lloyd Twiddy a former resident of this city Over 3000 Shirts With Attached Collars Shirts With Collarband (Separate Collars) Dr an'd Mrs Mellon and daughter Vhave gone to Cleveland to be the guests of Mrs Mel father Miss Muriel Knight' will leave Thursday for Charlevoix Mich where she will spend the summer News Notes of ountain County it all of the late potatoes planted in the vicinity rotted on account of The extreme wet weather Mrs Bertha Whistler who has in California and PERSONAL AND GENERAL Miss Alleane Gordon is the of friends at ort Wayne 1 Mrs Donham left' Mon day for Toledo to be with Mr Donham who is employed there during the summer re turn in September for Mr Donham to resume his studies at Rev' and' Mrs Dunkin will leave Saturday (for Warsaw to visit their son Leslie Dunkin and family and their daughter Miss Vivian Dunkin at 'Winona Lake Airs JohnC Allen has returned from a visit in Louisville Ky She was met there by her son Mr and Mr and Mr: scribed for themselves and refused to listen to reason And they cer tainly' paid the price for not changing their minds People who change their minds soon become back numbers The grocer who keeps a dingy untidy stone the butcher who accept modern refrigeration the baker who thinks that be cause his cakes and pies and breads are prepared below stairs it matter the manufacturer who see the advantages even to himself of having em ployes work under sanitary condi tions the people who read: trade journals or attend trade conventions or otherwise keep abreast of modern advance all' these are types that change their minds Would the world be where it Is today if people in the past had not changed their minds? And where will you or I ever! get if we possess horse enough to 'change our minds? Be alive and alert Keep youri brain cells pepped up with new and! vital thoughts easier not to change your mind of course But it pays about as well as sticking to a worn out automobile' simply because you believe it ought to last longer tiiro 8TT1C Tne mother Mr? Minus Knowles Independence Joe ranklin Indianapolis spent the week with home folks Mrs rank of Hoopeston Ill spent Ta cot Eertha Mae Eckhart attended the Gnitedi omnanvR nienin nt Iters called on Mr and Mrs Noblesville lialph and Jack Rodabaugh Ma rion weeks' Rev John A McCarthy burial in St The pallbearers John Rentz Peter Wall Moffit uneral uneral services for Daniel fitt were conducted Tuesday etnoon from the home of his ter Mrs Mollie Gunkie 1519 North ourteenth street Rev rank Kinsey of the Second ree Meth odist church officiated burial In Chatterton cemetery south of Pine Village The pallbearers were Ray mond Henry Bolmanj Walter Cadawal lader John Largent Koch spent the week end with Mary Akers Mrs John guests Gipson Mr uneral services for the Caleb Parlon were conducted Tuesday from St church pastor officiated cemetery were Joseph Hiibler Alexander Drees Henry Kessener and Patrick Mack Thomas Wilson last Walter Myers of Wis returned home with his bride They the summer with his parents He will teach again next year at the military and naval academy at Walsworth where he has taught for the past three yearsMr and Mrs Glenn Neldlgh of Chi cago were Sunday guests of Mr and and ette and and and day Booth near Pine te GREEN HILL and Mrs Lon Kennedy and Otterbein were Yur achool for preparation rl mary Rural Intermedlata Gram mar Grade and High School Teachers Supervisors Principals Superintendents and Specie) Teachers Libraries Laboratories Practice Schools Gymnasiums Athletic ields Commerclal Jn dustrlsl Arts Homs Economics Departments orty eight weeks' school each year Courses lead ing to life licenses Extension work and Correspondence Courses Write for information I Hines Pres Terre llaut I A Piltenger Pres Muncie Dr orfeit and wife have left for their home at Cleve land after a couple of visit with his parents Mr' and Mrs A Merica They were ac companied home by Miss Mar jorie Merica who will make an ex tended visit there Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hayes returned to their home in Chicago Sunday after spending their va cation here with their parents Mr and and was Monday HAS OPERATION Mrs Charles Arnold of Kent land underwent a major operation at the Jasper county hospital Sun day Mr and Mrs George Denham and son of Toledo are visit ing with Mr and Mrs Guy Dan iels of Barkley township Mrs George Sacsenty and little son of Kokomo are the guests of her grandparents Mr ana Thomas Lowe i Jane and of of and took Sunday dinner Mrs 'Adam i Walker Mrs Josephine Schroy of Colburn and in the afternoon took a motor trip to Monticello Silver Medal Contest At Methodist Church The Edgerton sponsor a silver medal Thursday evening at 7:30 at the irst Methodist ive speakers will atortcai honors The cordially invited to attend Mr son: Hugh of Sunday guests of their son Lloyd and family Mr and Mrs Homer Johnston entertained at Sunday dinner Mr and Mrs George Johns ton and Russell Johnston of La fayette Mr and Mrs Joe Johns ton and children of Independence I Mrs Thomas Wilson and chil dren spent a day last week with her of of end Miller last week end with Mr and Mrs Hildenbrand Sam Biddle motored to Crawfordsville last week and called on his brother Clifford who has been in a hos pital there for several weeks The Ade family reunion was held on the school caitipus here last Sunday Hazel Wagner of In dependence a Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs Henry Shoaf Mr and MrscJohn Perrin of La fayette and Claud McCauley of Newtown called on Mr and Mrs: Newspaper Syndicate' RANT WITH 45000 MEN STARTED UP THE TENNESSEE RIVER ARRIVING AT SAVANNAH ON MARCH 17 1862 BUELL MEANWHILE WAS MARCHING ROM THETidRTHEAST WITH 35000 TROOPS AND THE UNION LEADERS PLANNED TO UNITE TO CRUSH ARMY WHICH NUMBERED ONLY 40000 to' Phoenix They wppkr in ivasnv ip and the rest of the time on the road They night most of the time times Chester who is at Camp Knox Harry A Walters and daugh ters Helen and Virginia spent the ourth with the former's parents Mr and Mrs George Walters in Indianapolis Mr and Mrs Lewis mo tored to Hebron Wednesday to visit relatives Archer and family mo tored to Turkey Ruh Tuesday 40 remain over the ourth Miss Emma Cunningham has re turned from a visit with Mrs David Stradling at Detroit Mich Mrs Mcarland and daughter Virginia were the guests of Dr and Mrs George Switzer ht their Rattle Ground cottage oyer the ourth Dr and Mrs Pontius daughter Jeanette motored to lumbus to visit friends the ourth Dr an'd Mrs Mellon Mrs rum and son Jack been visitinr i aown ana Mlssisslnni the nast eie ht months spent the weeK ena witn airs ai nas Mrs ranklin Mr Mrs Chris Moll of I Afay were Sunday guests of Mr Mrs Johnston Mr1 Mrs Chas Myers and Mr Mrs Walter Myers were Sun guests of Mr and Mrs John Shaffer Lawrence Gunkie POLICE NAMED Mayor Miller has announced the appointment of James Banta as night pbllceman to take effect July 1 Mr Banta succeeds I NL Clawson who died a tw weeks ago Mr and Mrs tuns unurcu 01 hY ev snwt itntiv with a 1 '1 rS hfrp spent an evening Li iRI nuaatii ttiiu Mrs Xyrie Mrs Daisy Cornell" Mills Thursday' John Chaney and red Todd left riday for a few na vs tucky Bunt and Mrs very sick Is not much improved Mr' and Mrs Charles Printy of West Lafayette called on Ml and Mrs Lawrence Donica Mrs Hdrry Hiatt of Darlington Mrs Bertha Kirk Bowers and Mrs Elin Rothenberger of Stockwell spent Saturday with their mother Mrs GanL Minnear Kyle were and Delphi Mrs daughter Ruby Hauff spent Sunday in Chi cago Mr I ucns and Almost 200 rare tortoises brought back from the Galapagos islands are to be used for breeding in the hope that they might be In troduced into this country as an asset Jt Special to Journal and Courier COVINGTON Ind July Chester Creed 10 of Darwin III has been sent by Sheriff Robinson the $100 reward offered for the finding of Newton body The money was offered by relatives here It was shown by affidavit that Creed was entitled to the re ward SPENCER YOUNG Word has just been' received here that Wm Young son of Mr and Mrs Young was mar ried to Gladys Spencer daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Spencer of Benton Harbor Mich at South Bend June 10 They will reside in South Bend SEEKS DIVORCE Ira Maxwell of Attica has filed suit in circuit court for di vorce from his wife Ruby Max well alleging serious misconduct on the part of the defendant inal hearing was held in the matter of the inheritance tax in the estate of lorence Graham The personal estate was appraised at $144827 and realty at $2080 to tal $352827 'deductions allowed $47705 net estate $305122 The only heir is her brother Barton I Graham and after legal exemp tions were deducted tax to the amount of was levied DAMAGES COMPROMISED Judgment was entered by agree ment in the case of Mrs Grace Walbridge executor of the estate of John Walbridge against the New York Chicago and St Louis railroad company the plaintiff be ing allowed $1000 and each party to pay its own costs The parties are from Hoopeston Ill death of Mr Walbridge resulted from a coliisiorf between his automobile and a train near al most two years ago leading to the suit The last will and testament of John Perry of Veedersburg was admitted to probate in court the instrument was witnessed by Howard and reeman Noggle and dated May 29 1928 He gives to his widow Alice Perry in fee 40 'acres of land near Veedersburg 40 acres to his son Wyatt Perry for life and at his death to his heirs if any and if not the prop erty to go to the decendant or sister Hazel 25 acres to daughter Hazel for life and at death to her decendants the mainder of the farm goes to son Guy Perry for life and If not heirs to the descendants of the daughter Hazel The execu tor Wm White is Instructed to reduce the personal property and securities to cash and distribute one third to the widow and the remainder to the three children in equal shares DIVORCE SUIT I James Keeling has filed suit in circuit court for absolute di vorce from his wife Verna Keel ing alleging cruel andf inhuman treatment NEW TRIAL ASKED A motion for a new was filed! by attorneys for Charles Lowp in the celebrated Talbert will! case The court has not passed upon the motion and Mr and Mrs Elva spent Sunday with Mr and and'rs Wm Lucus at Lafayette 1 nY 1 1 zv a a 1 LLKAiiuiNS or great importance compel us to reduce our present stock of SHIRTS at prices that will be oi interest to every man in YA this community and vicinity We have gathered over 2000 SHIRTS from our stock and nave( massed them in one group irregardless of their former selling prices which in some instances are double Shoots Course Three Below Par Rennselaer News Morroco Man Is Held to Court Special to Journal and Courier RENSSELAER Ind July Chick Evans Chicago nationally famed golf player played at the golf course Sunday and the neat score of 32 Par for this course Is 35 John Don of Morocco was ar rested Saturday night by Sheriff Dutcher of Newton county on a charge of intoxication and posses sion of Intoxicating liquor He spent Sunday in the Jasper county jail and at a preliminary hearing Monday was bound over "to the Newton circuit bond Mr and Mrs Sheridan scent their daughter Mrs English and husband Mr and Mrs Richard Heller newly weds returned from their honeymoon trip through the east ern states Monday and came here to spend the ourth with Hellers parents Mr Van Grant Dr orrest and A MUM them the season newest creations in materials that look well and give the utmost of service and wearing satisfaction Everjr shirt is full cut exceptionally well tailored and should fit good These points we guard carefully and find them verified into every SHIRT that goes into this sale Here is Dean Theodore Hoover of the College of Engl iraaivr riiv a a I and brother of the republican presi Hantial nnminpp Ha nnt unlik a ansing secretary of commerce in face here and and children and Mr and Mrs Virgil Thurman and children of i a Yvette spent Sunday with Mr and" Mrs Joe Stewart Andrew Packer of Mulberry spent a day with Mr and Mrs: Charles Packer Mr and Mrs John Scheidy and Miss Lillie Treida spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Charles A SparksVand daughter of Danville Ill Mr and Mrs Charles and family Mr and Mrs Nichols Kenneth Smith Weathers Sam Stedman ince Younker and Misses Smith and Mary Sheilds of La fayette and Mr and Mrs Joseph Younker family formed a jolly picnic party Sunday and enjoyed a basket dinner on the banks of the Tippecanoe 3ft and Mrs Joseph Stewart Mrs Margaret Worthington and Indiana State Normal School Tarre Haute and Muncie Size range from 14 to 17 inclusive Parlon Obsequies late Improved methods of visualizing and photographing the electric in sulation field the application of which may lead to the solution of many puzzling conditions asso Ciated with dielectric falluie are presented in bulletin No 29 of the Purdue university engineering experiment station According to the authors of the bulletin George research assistant I' A former research assistantnow connected vith the Westing house Electric and Manufacturing company and Prof Harding head of the school of electrical engineering the application of the methods used should result in a smaller number of breakdowns of insulation greater safety and more economical design and construc tion of equipment requiring di electric material Historian Is Visitor Here Boosts Highway iBen Stewart of Carroll coun ty Wabash valley historian au thor of History of the Wa bash and booster in chief for the establishment a pro posed Paul Dresser drive along the Wabash visited in Lafayette Monday and Tuesday in the In terest of his book and also the drive book to the wens Memorial n' brary dedicated to the boys and girls of public schools' Encouragement was given his plan to establish the Dresser drive as a convenient meaps of displaying the scenic beauties of the Wabash valley Buck Creek Man Sees Snakes Real: Ones Kills Themopeciai 19 Journal and CourtAj BUCK CREEK Ind July 4 Phil Norris is likely soon to have a case of nerves A few days ago he killed 'a five foot blue raceri his garden riday he di patched a large striped snakeil lawn and later in the day (near the same place he dispatched 'another supposedly its mate But on Sunday afternoon while in a half reclining position in his Mor ris chair by 'the open window en joying the fragrance df his cigar and nis favorite newspaper he was startled by a peculiar sound and looking up he discovered a large black snake which had crawled up' the side of house devour ing some young robins which were: over the window! Lois were Wednesday Mrs Troy Lynn Beck shinned i of Lebanon spent an evening with i XI rwl X16 llnnif'O rances miss Local amily Reaches Designation in Arizona After Trip in Truck Mr Mrs Earl McCahan and son formerly of Battle Ground who left Lafayette May 16 in a ord truck bound for Arlz have arrived at their destin ation according to a letter receiv ed Tuesday from Mr McCahan He reported a Splendid trip ex periencing no luck of any kind except the blowing out of one tire They went by way of Indianapolis Louisville Nashville Memphis Little Rook Hot Springs Texar kana Dalias ort Worth and El Papa Texas Deming and Lords burg New Mexico Globe and Su perior Ariz spent two Tenn 1 was spent camped at in tourist camps but some in the "wide open spaces" 1 Sunhay school Sunday morning at 10 preaching service at 1:00 Sunday July 8 Rev and Mrs Roudebuslv and daughters: Maxine and entertained at suppet I evening by Mr and I Bails Mr and Mrs Change Yow Mind It Means Growth uy DK LUUIS BISCH 1 3 Eminent Psychologist 1 is amusing to hear people boast sometimes that they never change I their minds Assuming that what they say be true what does it ainonn uo xnai iney nave never grown up! Ha man of forty has not changed his mind since he was eighteen plausible to believe he still thinks like an adolescent The person who thinks like an adolescent is one! And if his stubbornness started even earlier than that why he may only be a twelve year old The only way we really advance is by chang ing our minds continually! The older we grow the more we learn and anyone who lays to possessing a live mind is bound to change his opinions and judgments about many things Now I mean to imply that you should change your mind quickly and easily When you are sure of your ground stick to the buns by all means but if you find yourself wrong if you have made a mistake hesitate turn about and think and do differently be hesitant about changing even if it what you so tenaciously clung to before 1 ormer Local Pastor Victim of Accident Not Seriously Hilrt A report was received here late Tuesday that Rev Leazenby formerly pastor of Trinity church and now field secretary of the 'Methodist hospital in Gary had been seriously injuried in an automobile accident The Journal and Courier was in telephone com munication Wednesday morning with the Gary hospital and it was learned that he had been hurt last Sunday but that the injuries not serious and that no bones broken LOUIS EBISCH be the opposite of alk want to be consistent but consistency can be carried so far that it becomes blind resistance to established fact Many a business man has: ruined himself because he has persisted street marched along in step with iu sticking to the ways of doing) time and got all he business things that he learned in his youth The same holds true in other (anc has refused to adopt newer walks of life and in our more per sonal and intimate relationships While he nursed his stubborn I have known people to die of refused to change his disease because they call in a nest just The snake was quickly killed andi xv 9 innr nnti How the reptile reached its posi tion up the straight side of thet house to the eaves is a mystery I As it is thei custom for snakes! to travel around in pairs Phil is on the lookrout for more in cruaers 1 jonn Kogers 01 Monuceno cun 1 neering aayea wirn 1 nomas 'v mie daughter Lizzie Mr av Dolan of tuv Bt ti Cldl ML VWlllllir i UC I XI id VC Mich and son John of Lafayette carriage and build He is going iauuui ins ousiness as usual uu I ruffled 1 and sons 1 Sunday 1 Waiter Robert Henderson were in the Gem City POTATOES ROT is reported that practically ber Lesley On Monday eiarttd fnr St: Paul Minn companied by Mrs Virgie Dill Mrs Eruins mother WESTERN CHERRIES The correspondent and wife were presented with a generous sample of Ox Heart cherries by Mr and Mrs cT Miller which Mr 'iillpr harl received from her hmthAr 1 'nrrf'r WHO owns i fruit ranch at free Water 1 icq tii riir ir'i vvt 1 by parcel itost and came through! ino chunoSnnH WAA VP7 1 IX lllO a lictous Mrs Harold Sheltmire and sons Billie Bob ana jacK 01 Ohio are here for a short 1 Mrs Wolford Chirch I The Good Cheer Sunday school ATTEND PICNIC Iciass held: their monthly rrieeting Mrs Elmer Weaver 6 7 7 Rex Payne Mrs red Eckhart and Miss Mabel members anu uiviteu aimsf (i wnro nrotion AV AT1(1 Buck ana 2' vv ruu'ir uuti aiivx i Gust Haff and family Sunday Mrs Pearl Hall of Thorntown spent Monday with her mother Mrs Gant Mr find Mr's George Ball called to see Mrs Mc Combs a patient at St Elizabeth hospital at Lafayette MY and Manford Virgin and family with Mr ana daughters and daughter were in Edna Mr and Mrs daughteYs and visit with Yelatives in Ken Mr and Mrs Leonard of Lafayette called on Mr Mrs Sanu May' Sunday Gant who has been Medaryville News Special to Journal and Courier MEDARYVILLE Ind July Mr and Mrs Elmer Shortz and children spent Sunday evening in Morocco Ira Caldwell and brothers Harve and! Albert were called to Penn sylvania last week on account of the serious illness of 1 their moth er Mr and Mrs Ray Daugherty and children and Mrs sis ot Gary spent jonn ruger and boy friend Ip were week end vis itors here Mr and Mrs Erve Levitt and Mr and Mrs Pat Ievittof Brook were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Antcliff Miss Marjorie Brail spent a day with Miss Opal Ballard in Chi cago Joe Ryden and son Joe Jr were Indianapolis visitors Sunday Mrs Harry Craft and daughter Marjorie of LaPorte visited her parents Mr and Mrs Linton last week Walter Penrod is making a trip to the east coast going by auto he will be gone about ten days Mrs Maud DePoy of rankfort and Adelle Howey of Urbana Ill were guests of Mr and Mrs Linton last week Len Hunter and Okie Sanders who employed at Hammond spent Sunday here with home folks Mr and Mrs Clay Broadbury of Gary spent Sunday here her parents Mr and Mrs larger Mr and Mrs Albert Slack who hnv been in Colorado for tne two Years have returned here Mr and Mrs Clarence Hansell and children of New York came last week for a visit with their parents and other relatives mak ing the trip by auto Raymond Ballard and Jessep of Chicago spent the week end here with his mother Mrs Ella Ballard Miss Marjorie 'Long has return ed Home after a ten days visit with her brother Hampton in Oklahoma Mrs William Prall spent Mon day and Tuesday in Gary with Mr and Mrs Ballard Mrs Hilda Hansell returned to her home Sunday in Gary after a visit with relatives HIGH LIGHTS HISTORY Registered Patent Office fi I A I fti 'j Um IK i wib A AW IflwSv BaOfeX xXXXVvxt i JtA Wz lb AW TgL 1 1 I i Wi I I I I I I 0 I zak I i I I a Tennfe x' 2s ZZ IM 1 fir aj iw i vzz nut A jmnifl IrW a Bl AS 'O' MM giWk hl 1 1 yiiKiiar imm nv IM 11 jWftCZZAEISiJB I Mil TER ABANDONING BOWLING GREEN AND uiiuvinr twf cnNn'tBT rinro ii nrot nun in einuc MUUCTAM DTDiTrn IMITU UIC 1OUV 11UMII JOHNSTON GATHERED Kt TO CORINTH MISSISSIPPI AN IMPORTANT POINT' WHERE THE RAILROADS ROM MEMPHIS AND CHATTANOOGA MET THE ONE ROM MOBILE HERE HE WAS JOINED BY BEAUREGARD'S ARMY THAT HAO ESCAPED THE CAPTURE ISLAND N1IMR9 TN Mi TH MENTS AND SUPPLIES AND ORTIIED HIS POSITION THE EDERAL ARMIES BUELL AND GRANT LEISURELY OVERRAN THE WESTERN PART TENNESSEE AND MADE PLANS OR A VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE CON EDERATES tU i a jwZ a a U1 IfeOa 'SjTl A 1 i I I I BEEinS 3M IWI.

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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.