Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (2024)

Tessa’s Recipe Rundown

Taste: The perfect balance of sweet and spice.
Texture: Thin and crispy, these cookies break in half cleanly and have a satisfying crunch to every bite!
Ease: Super simple 30 minute recipe. No chilling required.
Pros: Easy and festive recipe that goes great in every Christmas cookie box.
Cons: None!
Would I make this again? Yes.

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These Crispy Gingersnaps Cookies are the perfect classic, crispy gingersnap cookie.

Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (1)

Typically I enjoy more of a chewy cookie, but every once in a while I want that satisfying crunch and crispness of something sweet.

I tweaked my Chewy Gingersnap recipe (which are included in my cookbook – available on Amazon!) to make them thin and crunchy.

Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (2)

These ginger cookies would also make a great base for ice cream sandwiches!

In fact, my best friend Ashley from Baker by Nature sent me ice cream from Salt & Straw, our favorite ice cream shoppe, as an early Christmas gift.

One of the flavors she sent was for Gingerbread Cookie Dough. I’m thinking I have to make ice cream sandwiches with these ginger snaps and that ice cream!!

Of course, they’re also marvelous on their own with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee or tea.

How to Make Thin & Crispy Gingersnaps

What are Gingersnaps?

A year-round favorite all over the world, Gingersnaps are particularly popular to welcome in the fall and winter holiday seasons! Gingersnaps are perfectly spiced with the most beautiful cracked, sugary tops. While these are mostly enjoyed during the colder months, I actually love them in the fall in Arizona, when the temps are slowly beginning to drop. They’re delicious with a glass of cold milk or even lemonade… and even better used in place of graham crackers for over-the-top s’mores!

Gingersnaps are just what they sound like: a cookie flavored with ginger – plus other spices that we’ll talk more about below. Gingersnaps are typically crunchy or have a brittle texture, thus the “snap”. The spiciness of the ginger and richness of the molasses pairs perfectly with coffee, tea, hot cocoa, or mulled wine.

    What Makes Cookies Crispy and Crackled?

    • A heavy amount of baking soda interacts with the molasses in this recipe to encourage spread.
    • This allows cracks in the dough to develop where moisture escapes, creating that beautiful crackled appearance and crunchy texture.
    • Ensure your baking soda is fresh and active – learn more about that here.
    • There’s also much more granulated sugar than brown sugar in this recipe. White sugar encourages more spread and has less moisture to make for a crisper cookie.
    • Lastly, a longer baking time ensures a crunchy texture all the way through the center of these cookies.

    Measure Your Flour Correctly to Ensure Gingersnaps are CRISPY!

    • To avoid ending up with Gingersnaps that are thick and chewy instead of perfectly crispy, make sure to measure your flour accurately with a digital scale.
    • It’s all too easy to accidentally add too much flour if you’re using cups.
    • Check out my article on How to Measure Flour for step-by-step instructions.
    • Just take a look at what a difference too much flour can make:

    Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (3)

    How to Make Flavorful Gingersnaps

    • Make sure your spices, especially the ground ginger, are fresh and of high quality.
    • The fresher the spice, the more flavorful it’ll be.
    • While I haven’t tried it, you can also experiment with crystallized ginger, but expect your cookies to be a little more sugary.
    • If you want more SPICE in your gingersnaps, add a tablespoon or two of freshly grated ginger.
    • You can also add a pinch of cayenne pepper.
    • In addition to the spices, the molasses used is also important.
    • Make sure to use unsulphured molasses.
    • Never use blackstrap molasses in baking, it’s extremely bitter.
    • Brer Rabbit or Grandma’s in their ‘mild’ or ‘original’ flavors tend to work best.

    Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (4)

    How to Store Homemade Gingersnaps

    Store the gingersnaps in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 7 days.

    How to Freeze Gingersnap Cookies

    • Scoop out the balls of cookie dough.
    • Place on a baking sheet and freeze until solid.
    • Remove to an airtight container and store in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.
    • Bake from frozen, reducing the temperature to 325°F and adding a couple minutes onto the baking time.
    • You can also store baked Crispy Gingersnap Cookies in the freezer, in an airtight container or freezer bag, for up to 1 month.

    Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (5)

    More Christmas Cookie Recipes:

    • Easy Cut Out Sugar Cookies
    • Soft Chewy Sugar Cookies
    • Red Velvet Cookies with Cream Cheese Icing
    • Turtle Thumbprint Cookies
    • S’mores Cookies
    • Gingerbread Cookies

    Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (6)

    How to Make

    Crispy Gingersnaps

    Yield: 28 cookies

    Prep Time: 15 minutes mins

    Cook Time: 15 minutes mins

    Review Print


    Classic Crispy Gingersnaps are the perfect Christmas cookie! Thin and crunchy with the perfect amount of molasses and spice, this easy homemade recipe takes 30 minutes to make!


    • 1 1/2 sticks (170 grams) unsalted butter, at cool room temperature
    • 1 1/4 cups (250 grams) granulated sugar, divided
    • 1/4 cup (50 grams) lightly packed light brown sugar
    • 1/3 cup (113 grams) unsulphured molasses (NOT blackstrap)
    • 1 large egg
    • 1/2 teaspoon fine salt
    • 2 teaspoons baking soda
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
    • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
    • 2 1/4 cups (286 grams) all-purpose flour


    • Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

    • In a large bowl, use an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment to beat the butter, 3/4 cup granulated sugar, and brown sugar until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add the molasses and egg and beat until combined. Add in the salt, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and flour, and beat until combined.

    • Place the remaining 1/2 cup sugar in a shallow dish. Scoop the dough into 1 1/2 tablespoon balls and roll in the sugar before placing on the baking sheet, leaving plenty of room for spread. Bake for 15 minutes or until the cookies are spread and the surface looks crackled.

    • Let cool on the baking sheets for 5 minutes before removing to wire racks to cool completely. Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 7 days.

    Show us!If you make this recipe, be sure to snap a picture and share it on Instagram with #handletheheat so we can all see!

    Recipe Notes

    Be sure to use spices that haven’t been sitting open in your spice cabinet for years! The fresher the spice, the more flavorful it’ll be.

    Photos by Ashley McLaughlin.

    Crispy Gingersnaps | Ginger Snap Cookies Recipe (2024)


    Why are my ginger snaps not crispy? ›

    Measure Your Flour Correctly to Ensure Gingersnaps are CRISPY! To avoid ending up with Gingersnaps that are thick and chewy instead of perfectly crispy, make sure to measure your flour accurately with a digital scale. It's all too easy to accidentally add too much flour if you're using cups.

    Why didn't my ginger snaps crinkle? ›

    Possibly you are not getting enough leavening to cause the cookies to crack as they bake. The kind of fat used might also affect the way the cookies rise, not making them crack.

    What makes a cookie crispy? ›

    To make cookies crispy, add less liquid or bake it in the oven for longer to dry out the dough. Generally bake around 13-15min at 180C for a crispy cookie. But if you want a thoroughly crispy cookie – not those just charred on the outside – decrease the temperature to 140C and bake for 30min.

    Why are my ginger cookies so hard? ›

    Keep in mind that the longer the cookies bake, the harder and crunchier they'll be. For soft gingerbread cookies, follow my suggested bake times. Allow cookies to cool for 5 minutes on the cookie sheet.

    Why are my crinkle cookies not crinkling? ›

    The signature crinkle effect happens when the cookies spread and crack as they bake. If your cookies aren't crinkling, it might be because the dough is too warm (try chilling it for longer before baking), or the oven temperature might be too low (ensure your oven is correctly preheated).

    Why are my ginger snaps soft? ›

    Freezing or chilling the dough will result in a soft and chewy gingersnap cookies. With crinkly tops and spicy flavor this version also makes the most delicious holders for ice cream. Baked immediately, you'll get crisp and crunchy gingersnaps – the kind that you can snap in half for proper dunking.

    What happens if you add too much butter to gingerbread cookies? ›

    An excessive amount of butter makes it where the flour is unable to absorb the combined fat, which causes the cookie to spread too widely and the sugar to carbonize more easily because it's surrounded by too buttery a dough.

    How to get cracks in ginger cookies? ›

    1. Don't overmix the dough otherwise gluten will. ...
    2. The oven should be hot enough. ...
    3. Use both baking powder and bicarbonate of soda. ...
    4. Avoid opening the oven before the biscuits are well. ...
    5. There has to be corn or golden syrup added to the. ...
    6. If you want the biscuits to be soft instead of.
    Oct 29, 2021

    How do I get my cookies to crack? ›

    The means that as the cookie expands, it starts to crack the dry surface. For this to happen, you need to dry the surface of the cookie by coating them in sugar, use sufficient leavening for the cookie to rise, and bake in a hot oven.

    What ingredient contributes most to the texture of a crisp cookie? ›

    Fat is a very important ingredient in cookies – it tenderizes, crisps and browns, adds color and a wonderful flavor that is impossible to duplicate. Butter, our fat of choice, ensures good baking results and adds the most desirable taste, texture and appearance.

    Why are my cookies soft instead of crispy? ›

    Q: Why are my cookies not crisp enough? They are underbaked. Lower your oven temperature and bake longer but at a lower temperature. Using too much flour or the wrong kind of flour.

    What are 3 factors that cause a cookie to be crisp? ›

    Other tricks to crispy cookies include using less flour, not chilling the dough before baking, storing in a cookie jar or glass instead of a plastic container, and making the recipe with all purpose flour because it has a higher protein content that helps with crisping and browning.

    How do you know when ginger cookies are done? ›

    Toothpick Test – This is one of the most common ways to check cookie doneness, and it can be used for many other desserts as well. Insert a toothpick into the centre of a cookie. If it comes out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it, the cookies are done.

    Why do my ginger snap cookies go flat? ›

    Check your oven

    If your oven is too hot, the fat melts faster than the cookie can set, and you end up with pancake cookies. Always preheat your oven and invest in a good oven thermometer. Even new ovens can be incorrectly calibrated, so check the actual temperature every time you put a pan in the oven.

    Why did my ginger snap cookies go flat? ›

    The Problem: Your Oven Is Too Hot

    If your cookies repeatedly turn out flat, no matter the recipe, chances are your oven is too hot. Here's what's happening. The butter melts super quickly in a too-hot oven before the other ingredients have firmed up into a cookie structure.

    Are gingerbread cookies supposed to be crunchy? ›

    First, the texture of the cookie needs to be fairly crispy along the outside with a semi-soft, cake-like inside, and like all "perfect" cut-out cookies, they definitely need to keep their shape when baked. Secondly, they must taste sweet but notably spicy, and have a rich molasses flavour.

    Should gingerbread be soft or crunchy? ›

    Should gingerbread cookies be hard or soft? Soft gingerbread biscuits are ideal. They ought to be flexible. However, they should still be somewhat elastic, and if you hold them too firmly because you're so excited to eat them, you might even be able to leave your fingerprints on the cookie!

    Why are my ginger snaps puffy? ›

    A whole egg (rather than just the yolk) gives the cookie some levity (/puffiness) while keeping the cookie nice and tender. A blend of baking powder and baking soda (rather than just soda)


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